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7th September 2023
6th September 2023
7th August 2023
19th July 2023
Argentina: The National Food Commission has opened for public consultation a draft decree to include hemp seeds and derivatives in the list of permitted food products, as well as the requirements for their commercialisation. The consultation, which will end on 12th August, follows a meeting on 29th June, when the commission also agreed to keep examining the scientific evidence on CBD in food products, in order to assess whether it should be permitted in edibles.
4th July 2023
Argentina: The National Food Commission has published the minutes of meetings held on 28th and 29th June, when it agreed to open a public consultation on the inclusion of hemp seeds and derivatives in the list of permitted food products. The commission also agreed to keep examining the scientific evidence on CBD in food products, in order to assess whether it should be permitted in edibles in the future.
20th April 2023
Argentina: The Ministry of Health issued a resolution yesterday extending from one year to three the validity of home growers’, patients’ and prescribing doctors’ registration for medical cannabis through the Cannabis Programme Registry (Reprocann).
11th April 2023
Argentina: A regulation further developing Law 27.669, approved in May 2022, to set up a comprehensive regulatory framework for industrial hemp and medical cannabis, has been approved by the Regulatory Agency for the Hemp and Medicinal Cannabis Industry (Ariccame) and the economy minister and will be published in the Official Gazette once the president has approved it, press reports. The regulation will allow licensing of the production, distribution and sale of hemp and hemp extracts, with a maximum allowed THC content of 1%.
27th February 2023
23rd January 2023
Argentina: The government today issued a decree launching the Regulatory Agency for the Hemp and Medicinal Cannabis Industry (Ariccame), responsible for issuing regulations and permits for hemp-growing, and for setting out terms and conditions for the marketing of hemp extracts. Ariccame was established by Law 27,669, which was approved in May 2022 to set up a comprehensive regulatory framework for industrial hemp and medical cannabis.
19th December 2022
15th December 2022
Argentina: The National Food Commission held a meeting yesterday, chaired by health minister Carla Vizzotti, to explore the possible inclusion of parts, subproducts and derivatives of the Cannabis sativa plant in the National Food Code.
7th November 2022
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