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1st October 2024
21st February 2024
15th January 2024
12th September 2023
3rd August 2023
US - Arkansas: A lawsuit has been filed by a group of four hemp companies challenging Act 629 (formerly Senate Bill 358), which came into effect on 1st August, prohibiting the sale of intoxicating hemp-derived cannabinoids (IHDCs) such as delta-8 THC, press reports. Concerns over minors’ access to the products prompted the ban, but the hemp companies are seeking an injunction to resume sales while the case proceeds. They claim the ban violates the US Constitution’s commerce and supremacy clauses, as well as the 2018 Farm Bill.
22nd June 2023
US - Arkansas: A circuit judge has nullified 27 medical cannabis laws found to be unconstitutional under Amendment 98, which legalised medical cannabis in Arkansas in 2016 after voters approved the measure, press reports. The lawsuit, brought by Good Farm Arkansas and Capital City Medicinals, challenged the authority of state legislators to modify the amendment with laws passed in the House and Senate. The judge ruled that any amendments made to Amendment 98 are unconstitutional, thus preserving the original language. The voided laws include THC caps, tax collection methods, and advertising regulations for dispensaries and cultivators.
19th April 2023
12th April 2023
11th April 2023
US – Arkansas: House Bill 1784 has passed the Senate and now heads to the governor’s desk. It would protect qualified medical cannabis patients and their caregivers from that status being used against them when applying for a licence to carry a concealed handgun.
11th April 2023
US – Arkansas: Senate Bill 358 has passed the legislature and now moves to the governor’s desk. It would ban the production and sale of any intoxicating substances derived from industrial hemp, specifically including products “produced as a result of a chemical process that converted the industrial hemp or a substance contained in the industrial hemp into Delta-8, 19 Delta-9, Delta-6a, 10a, or Delta-10 THC…and any other psychoactive substance derived therein”. Such substances would be classified as Schedule VI controlled substances under the Uniform Controlled Substances Act.
6th April 2023
17th March 2023
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