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29th July 2022
11th July 2022
Belize: The Belize Coalition of Churches has met the 10% population threshold to hold a referendum for the Cannabis Control and Licensing Bill, press reports. The bill lays down a legislative framework for the cultivation, processing and distribution of cannabis products for adult use. Kareem Musa, minister of home affairs and new growth industries has said the referendum should be held within two months.
21st March 2022
Belize: The Senate has debated the Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) Bill, media reports. The government introduced the bill last year with the aim of legalising the cultivation and consumption of recreational cannabis. However, it later decided to split the bill in two, introducing the Cannabis and Industrial Hemp Control and Licensing Bill. The Senate has now amended and approved the first bill but has not decided yet on the hemp control and licensing bill.
21st February 2022
Belize: Prime minister John Briceño has given his approval to the introduction of revised legislation to amend the Misuse of Drugs Bill under the title of the Cannabis Control and Licensing Bill 2022. The new bill provides for the control and licensing of the cannabis industry and the establishment of the necessary legislative framework to regulate the cultivation, processing, distribution and delivery of cannabis products for adult use for medicinal and recreational purposes. The bill will be tabled at the next sitting of the House of Representatives, media reports.
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