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7th September 2022
Bermuda: Governor Rena Lalgie will withhold royal assent to the Cannabis Licensing Act 2022 at the instruction of the Queen of the UK, press reports. The bill would have permitted the cultivation and retail sale of cannabis for adult use, but British officials found that it was not consistent with their obligations under UN conventions. Bermuda is a British overseas territory.
13th May 2022
29th March 2022
Bermuda: The Cannabis Licensing Act, which would permit the cultivation and retail sale of cannabis for adult use, was passed by the House of Assembly and could become law if approved by the governor, press reports. The bill must first pass through the Senate, but that move is merely procedural, as the Senate cannot veto the bill again after doing so in 2021. The bill would establish a licensing system allowing for the cultivation and sale of various cannabis products, including flower, topicals, oils, and edibles.
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