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19th June 2024
7th June 2024
10th May 2024
19th October 2023
7th June 2023
1st June 2023
25th May 2023
US – Colorado: Governor Jared Polis has signed a bill establishing a regulatory framework for the legalisation of psychedelic “natural medicines”. Senate Bill 23-290 follows the legalisation law that voters passed at last November’s ballot, allowing over-21s to receive psychedelic treatment under guidance at licensed healing centres, and home cultivation of natural psychedelics, with no limits on personal possession of psilocybin, ibogaine, mescaline (not derived from peyote), DMT and psilocyn. The bill establishes a new Division of Natural Medicine, within the Department of Revenue, to direct the regulation and licensing of four approved categories – healing centres, cultivation facilities, product manufacturers, and testing facilities. It strengthens provisions on cultivation and facilitators, sets licensing requirements, and imposes penalties for the unlicensed sale or distribution of psychedelics.
8th May 2023
2nd May 2023
US - Colorado: House Bill 23-1279 has passed the Senate and now heads to the governor’s desk. It would allow licensed cannabis retailers to accept online payment for recreational cannabis products for adults (21+), who would still need to collect physically from the store. Verification of the name and age of the customer would have to be made at the time of purchase, when digital warnings or educational materials must have been provided.
18th April 2023
US - Colorado: House Bill 23-1279 has been passed by the House and now heads to the Senate. It would allow licensed cannabis retailers to accept online payment for recreational cannabis products for adults (21+), who would still need to collect physically from the store. Verification of the name and age of the customer would have to be made at the time of purchase, when digital warnings or educational materials must have been provided.
10th November 2022
US - Colorado: Proposition 122, a ballot measure to decriminalise the possession and use and allow for regulated distribution of certain psychedelic substances, appears poised to pass as votes continue to be counted, press reports. The measure would allow for the adult (21+) possession and use of natural psychedelics, such as psilocybin, dimethyltryptamine (DMT), and ibogaine, and allow for their distribution in licensed healing centres, where participants can purchase and consume the substances under supervision. Oregon voters passed a similar measure in 2020 that allows adults access to psilocybin mushrooms.
3rd June 2022
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