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26th June 2023
24th March 2023
1st February 2023
25th January 2023
21st December 2022
21st October 2022
7th July 2022
US - Washington DC: Mayor Muriel Bowser has signed into law the Medical Marijuana Self-Certification Emergency Amendment Act of 2022, which allows DC residents to self-certify that they need cannabis for medical purposes without recommendation by a doctor. Over-21s can self-certify using a form provided by the Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration (ABRA) and obtain cannabis at medical dispensaries. The law is effective immediately but for only 90 days as an emergency act, though it could be implemented permanently. DC residents voted to legalise recreational cannabis in 2014, but the federal government has blocked them from implementing a recreational programme.
29th June 2022
US - Washington DC: The District of Columbia Council has approved a bill to allow adults (21+) to purchase cannabis by self-certifying that they will use it for medical purposes, press reports. The bill, which aims to cut down on illicit cannabis “gift shops” and bring more people into the medical cannabis system, is expected to be approved by the mayor.
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