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6th March 2024
6th March 2024
21st November 2023
13th July 2023
US - Hawaii: House Bill 1359 has been enacted into law as Act 263, without the governor’s signature, bringing significant changes to the state’s hemp regulations. The bill eliminates redundant regulations on hemp production, updates advertising restrictions for hemp products, and permits licensed hemp producers to sell hemp biomass, including crude extract. The Department of Health is now empowered to establish cannabinoid concentration limits, including THC, for manufactured hemp products and crude extract through rulemaking. Additionally, the new law establishes the Hawaii Hemp Task Force.
26th June 2023
5th May 2023
4th May 2023
14th April 2023
9th March 2023
9th March 2023
8th March 2023
US - Hawaii: House Bill 70, which has passed the House and now moves to the Senate, would prohibit the sale or holding, offering, and distribution of hemp products that contain cannabinoids created through isomerisation (including delta-6 cis or trans THC and their optical isomers) or into which a synthetic cannabinoid has been added. However, it exempts medical cannabis dispensaries from the prohibition.
8th March 2023
US - Hawaii: Senate Bill 669 has passed the Senate and now moves to the House. It would establish a Hawaii Cannabis Regulatory Authority, allow over-21s to grow up to six cannabis plants for personal use and personal possession of up to 1 oz, establish a 10% tax on cannabis sales, and attempt to reduce unlicensed sales.
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