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1st February 2024
27th June 2023
US - Indiana: A federal lawsuit has been filed in Indiana by a hemp extract manufacturer and the Midwest Hemp Council, seeking a ruling that would allow for products containing certain hemp-derived cannabinoids, press reports. The suit challenges state attorney general Todd Rokita’s opinion, delivered in January, that intoxicating hemp-derived cannabinoids (IHDCs) such as delta-8 THC are illegal under Indiana law. The plaintiffs contend that they are legal under federal law, which cannot be pre-empted by state law.
23rd February 2022
Indiana: Senate Bill 209 has passed by the Senate and now heads to the House. The bill would include all THC isomers in the THC calculation for hemp and would urge the interim study committee to study delta-8 THC “and any of its related psychoactive cannabinoids”.
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