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15th March 2024
15th February 2024
6th June 2023
US - Kansas: Governor Laura Kelly has said she will not exercise her executive powers to allow for medical cannabis possession or its decriminalisation in Kansas. Kelly cited Kansas law as the reason she cannot pursue a similar tactic to governors in other states, emphasising instead the importance of advancing cannabis reform through the legislative process. Her decision narrows the options for proponents of medical cannabis in Kansas, as legislative hopes have dwindled in recent years, press reports.
25th January 2023
10th November 2022
US - Kansas: A lawsuit challenging the seizure of over $100,000 in delta-8 THC products by state authorities has been dismissed. The suit alleged that the state attorney general’s conclusion that products with more than 0.3% of all THCs are illegal under state law was wrong. However, the court found that a seller did not have a claim under the 2018 US Farm Bill to require the state of Kansas to allow the sale of delta-8 products. The ruling should come as no surprise, as the federal bill does not preclude states from regulating hemp products within their borders.
30th June 2022
10th May 2022
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