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28th July 2023
19th August 2022
10th May 2022
2nd May 2022
19th April 2022
US - Maine: Both chambers of the legislature have concurred and passed Legislative Document (LD) 1827, which now heads to the governor for approval. The amended version of the bill would allow for kerbside pick-up and delivery of recreational cannabis, on certain conditions, to any residential location in the state that is not deemed a “safe zone” by the municipality.
19th April 2022
US - Maine: The Senate has passed Legislative Document (LD) 1928, and the bill now heads to the governor for approval. It would allow medical cannabis patients to receive written certification from their medical providers via telehealth services and would limit law enforcement’s access to patient information.
12th April 2022
US - Maine: Legislative Document (LD) 1827 was passed by the House and now heads to the Senate. The bill would allow for delivery of recreational cannabis by retailers to any location in the state if certain conditions are met.
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