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23rd May 2023
US - Montana: House Bill 128, clarifiying regulations and penalties related to the sale of medical and adult-use cannabis, has been signed into law. Among other provisions, it moves responsibility for cannabis testing laboratories and regulation from the state Department of Public Health and Human Services to the Department of Revenue, and extends the moratorium on new licences for recreational sales for previously licensed medical cannabis businesses through to the end of June 2025.
23rd May 2023
US - Montana: House Bill 903 has been signed into law by governor Greg Gianforte. It allows medical cannabis dispensaries that applied for a licence to sell recreational cannabis between 3rd November 2020 and 27th April 2021 to begin doing so, moving back the date by which they had to have applied for a dual licence. The bill also revises the cost of dispensary licences when multiple locations operate under the same licence.
22nd May 2023
22nd May 2023
15th May 2023
15th May 2023
15th May 2023
12th May 2023
21st April 2023
5th April 2023
US - Montana: House Bill 948 has passed the House and now heads to the Senate. Among other provisions, it would ban the manufacture and distribution of any synthetic cannabis products, set a THC cap for hemp products at 0.5 mg per serving and 2 mg per package, and prohibit recreational and medical cannabis dispensaries from selling hemp flower, hemp plants, and synthetic cannabinoids.
4th April 2023
US - Montana: House Bill 669, which would allocate nearly all cannabis tax revenues into the general fund, has passed the House and now heads to the Senate.
4th April 2023
US - Montana: House Bill 128, which would clarify regulations and penalties concerning the sale of medical and adult-use cannabis, has passed the House and now heads to the Senate. Among other provisions, the bill would move the responsibility for cannabis testing laboratories and regulation from the state Department of Public Health and Human Services to the Department of Revenue.
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