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6th August 2024
30th July 2024
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17th June 2024
27th May 2024
23rd February 2024
30th November 2023
9th August 2023
US - New Hampshire: House Bill (HB) 611 has been signed into law by governor Chris Sununu. The new law eases the qualifying condition for therapeutic cannabis by allowing medical providers to certify their patients for severe pain without prior need of surgery or a failure to respond to previously prescribed medications. It also prohibits the sale of hemp products with more than 0.3% natural or synthetic THC on a dry weight basis, in any formulation, including delta-8 and delta-9 THC or any other THC isomer variant. And it provides for the establishment of a commission to study state-controlled sales of cannabis, assess the viability of legalising cannabis through a state-run model, and propose legislation to enact the reform.
2nd August 2023
US - New Hampshire: House Bill 611 has been enrolled and now moves to the governor’s desk. It will ease the qualifying condition for therapeutic cannabis by allowing medical providers to certify their patients for severe pain without the prior need for surgery or a failure to respond to previously prescribed medications. The bill also prohibits the sale of hemp products which contain more than 0.3% natural or synthetic THC on a dry weight basis, in any formulation, including delta-8 and delta-9 THC or any other THC isomer variant. And it provides for the establishment of a commission to study state-controlled sales of cannabis, assess the viability of legalising cannabis through a state-run model, and propose legislation to enact the reform.
11th July 2023
US - New Hampshire: The Therapeutic Cannabis Program now allows out-of-state and Canadian visitors with legal authorisation to purchase therapeutic cannabis from the state’s Alternative Treatment Centers (ATCs). They can make up to three purchases per year and, if their medical condition is approved in New Hampshire, they can buy cannabis at the same frequency as local patients. Each patient can purchase a maximum of 2 oz within a ten-day period and is limited to possessing 2 oz at a time. Visiting patients must adhere to state laws and present their out-of-state cannabis authorisation and photo ID when making purchases.
22nd June 2023
US - New Hampshire: House Bill 611 has been revised by the House/Senate Conference Committee to include a commission to study state-controlled sales of cannabis, assess the viability of legalising cannabis through a state-run model, and propose legislation to enact the reform. The bill must now be approved by both chambers before it goes to the governor’s desk.
16th May 2023
US - New Hampshire: House Bill 639, which would have legalised recreational cannabis, was killed in the Senate after passing the House in February. In response, governor Chris Sununu has expressed his readiness to sign a bill that focuses on harm reduction rather than profits, presenting his take on the “best path forward for adult-use cannabis in NH”. Republican Sununu emphasised the need for the state to have control over marketing, sales and distribution, similar to the liquor industry, without imposing any state taxes and allowing for local control. “Should the legislature pass future legalization bills without these provisions in place, they will be vetoed,” Sununu said.
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