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13th August 2024
11th July 2024
29th April 2024
18th April 2024
25th April 2023
US – North Dakota: Senate Bill 2096 has been signed into law by governor Doug Burgum. It revises the definition of hemp products to specifically exclude products that contain “chemically derived cannabinoids” – such as delta-8 THC, THCO, HHC, and THCP – and prohibit hemp licensees from selling or distributing products containing chemically-derived cannabinoids. The new law also expressly allows CBD, CBG, broad spectrum, and full spectrum products and requires testing and certain labelling of hemp products.
13th April 2023
US - North Dakota: Senate Bill 2388 has been signed by governor Doug Burgum and enacted into law. This means that medical cannabis patients who have had their registry identification card revoked can reapply a year after an initial revocation and five years after a second, and be permanently disqualified upon a third revocation.
11th April 2023
US – North Dakota: Senate Bill 2388 has been reconciled and now heads to the governor’s desk. The bill would allow medical cannabis patients and caregivers who have had their registry identification card revoked to reapply after a year, or after five years following a second revocation. A third revocation would mean permanent disqualification.
27th March 2023
23rd March 2023
US - North Dakota: House Bill 1478 has been approved by both chambers and now heads to the governor’s desk. It would allow self-certification as a medical cannabis patient by over-65s admitted to hospice care, and allow designated caregivers to carry cannabis products for such patients without going through a criminal record check .
22nd March 2023
13th February 2023
1st February 2023
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