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12th December 2022
26th October 2022
Russia: A Moscow court yesterday dismissed US basketball player Brittney Griner’s appeal against a nine-year prison sentence for drug smuggling and possession, press reports. Griner was sentenced in August after she was arrested in February at Moscow airport when she arrived to play for a Russian side and was found to be carrying vape cartridges containing cannabis oil.
5th October 2022
Russia: A Moscow court will hear US basketball player Brittney Griner’s appeal against a nine-year prison sentence for drug possession on 25th October, media reports. Griner was arrested at Moscow airport in February when she arrived to play for a Russian side, reportedly carrying vape cartridges containing cannabis oil. The US is believed to have offered to exchange Russian prisoners for US citizens, including Griner, but according to Russian officials no deal has been reached.
5th August 2022
Russia: A Russian court yesterday sentenced US basketball player Brittney Griner to nine years’ jail for drug smuggling. Griner was arrested at Moscow airport in February for carrying vape cartridges containing cannabis oil when she arrived to play for a Russian side. The US has reportedly offered to exchange Russian prisoners for American citizens, including Griner, but according to Russian officials no deal has been reached.
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