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16th August 2024
1st February 2024
29th September 2023
12th May 2023
3rd May 2023
US - Texas: House Bill 2818 has passed the House and now heads to the Senate. It would generally revise hemp production provisions by updating cultivation permits compliance procedures and creating a criminal offence of cultivating hemp without a licence. The bill also provides for hemp shipment or transportation with a certificate or cargo manifest in accordance with state safety control provisions.
27th April 2023
US - Texas: House Bill 218 has been passed by the House and now heads to the Senate. It would reduce criminal penalties for the possession of up to 1 oz of cannabis, moving it from a Class B to Class C misdemeanour, and possession of THC and its isomers from Penalty Group 2 to a newly created Penalty Group 2B. This would not affect legal hemp products, which are not controlled substances. The bill also provides for the expungement of past convictions for cannabis possession.
12th April 2023
US - Texas: House Bill 1805 has passed the House and now heads to the Senate. It would broaden access to the state Compassionate Use Program by adding as a qualifying condition for medical cannabis use “a condition that causes chronic pain, for which a physician would otherwise prescribe an opioid” and allow the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) to add new qualifying medical conditions. Among other provisions, the bill would also change the current 1% cap on THC cannabis oil products by replacing it with a maximum of 10 mg of THC per dosage.
18th July 2022
US - Texas: Agricultural commissioner Sid Miller, who oversees the Texas hemp program, has called on the legislature and governor to expand the state’s medical cannabis programme, which currently only allows medical cannabis with up to 1% THC. “When four out of five Texans support compassionate use, we need to have state law and state policy reflect that desire. I will urge our state legislature and our governor to make that a top priority in the upcoming legislative session,” Miller said.
27th June 2022
US - Texas: The Texas Supreme Court has ruled that the state’s ban on smokable hemp is constitutional, reversing a lower court’s decision. The plaintiffs, producers of smokable hemp products, claimed the ban was unconstitutional because it violated their “due-course rights” to earn a living producing such products. However, the supreme court rejected this argument, essentially on the basis that producing smokable hemp products has never been legal in Texas.
9th May 2022
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