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29th April 2024
22nd April 2024
30th May 2023
Turkey: The re-election of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to a third term as president, while the People’s Alliance led by his Justice and Development (AKP) party secured a majority in parliament, suggests there is likely to be little change for the hemp sector, as AKP backs the regulation of hemp cultivation and its use for industrial purposes.
28th March 2023
Turkey: Parliament has voted in favour of Bill No. 2/4972, giving the Turkish Grain Board responsibility for some aspects of cannabis and hemp cultivation, press reports. The Grain Board will take responsibility for approving varieties, seeds and strains, while harvesting, processing, distribution, export or sale will continue to require a licence from the Ministry of Agriculture.
10th March 2023
10th January 2023
Turkey: The Kastamonu province Agriculture and Forestry directorate has announced that farmers should apply for hemp cultivation licences by 1st April. Applicants must submit an application form, a declaration that they have no criminal record, a sketch showing where cultivation will take place, and a copy of their Identity Registration Certificate.
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