30th November 2022 - Central America, Costa Rica |
Costa Rica: The Legislative Assembly Environment Committee has unanimously agreed to ask the Episcopal Conference and the Evangelical Alliance for an opinion on
29th November 2022 - Mexico, North America |
Mexico: A court in Sonora has granted a citizen’s petition and ordered the Federal Commission for the Protection against Public Health Risks (Cofepris) to
29th November 2022 - Canada, North America |
Canada - Manitoba: bill has been introduced that would eliminate the “social responsibility” tax on cannabis sales in Manitoba, which is currently 6%, imposed on
29th November 2022 - Brazil, South America |
Brazil: The National Public Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) has authorised Canabidiol Ease Labs 100 mg/ml to be manufactured in Brazil in the form of
28th November 2022 - Chile, South America |
Chile: During the discussion in the Health Committee of the Chamber of Deputies about Bill 12632-11, which seeks to bring all vaping products
28th November 2022 - Canada, North America |
Canada: Health Canada has announced the members of its expert panel that will lead the mandatory review of the Cannabis Act to "provide independent, expert
23rd November 2022 - Colombia, South America |
Colombia: The Senate has approved Bill 002/2022 on recreational cannabis on its first vote. The bill, which aims to amend the constitution to legalise recreational cannabis,
US - Rhode Island: Governor Dan McKee stated yesterday that recreational cannabis sales will begin next week. The Department of Business Regulation’s Office of Cannabis Regulation has
22nd November 2022 - North America, United States |
US - Federal: The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has sent warning letters to five companies for selling edible CBD products because CBD is an
22nd November 2022 - North America, Oregon, United States |
US - Oregon: Governor Kate Brown has announced that she is issuing pardons for certain convictions for simple possession of cannabis prior to the state’s legalisation
22nd November 2022 - New York, North America, United States |
US - New York: Companion bills A 9282 and S 8496 have been approved by the State Legislature and sent to the governor for final approval. The
22nd November 2022 - New York, North America, United States |
US - New York: The Cannabis Control Board (CCB) yesterday approved its first recreational cannabis dispensary licences. The Conditional Adult-Use Retail Dispensary (CAURD) licences were approved for
21st November 2022 - Iowa, North America, United States |
US - Iowa: Iowa’s Medical Cannabidiol Board will recommend to the state legislature that it exempt medical cannabis sales from the state's sales tax
21st November 2022 - North America, United States |
US - Federal: President Joe Biden will sign into law the Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act (HR 8454), which was passed by Congress
21st November 2022 - Colombia, South America |
Colombia: The government has announced that it is creating a special drug department. During a seminar on cannabis, the minister of justice and
18th November 2022 - Paraguay, South America |
Paraguay: A group of senators of the Guasú Front (Frente Guasú), part of the opposition coalition, presented a bill yesterday (17th November) to
18th November 2022 - Brazil, South America |
Brazil: The National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) has authorised the importation of CBD flowers for medical purposes by an individual, press reports. It
18th November 2022 - Missouri, North America, United States |
US - Missouri: The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services has released draft rules to regulate recreational cannabis in response to the voter-passed initiative
17th November 2022 - North America, United States |
US - Federal: The Senate passed the Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act (HR 8454), and the bill now moves to the president's
16th November 2022 - Kentucky, North America, United States |
US - Kentucky: Governor Andy Beshear has issued two executive orders, one which allows for the possession of cannabis for medical purposes under certain
14th November 2022 - New York, North America, United States |
US - New York: A federal judge has issued a temporary block on issuing recreational cannabis dispensary licences in parts of the state,
11th November 2022 - Illinois, North America, United States |
US - Illinois: Illinois is offering $8.75m in forgivable loans to social equity cannabis licensees. The loans will be "fully financed by the State" and
US - Minnesota: Governor Tim Waltz told former governor Jesse Ventura that legalising recreational cannabis will be "one of the first" things passed
10th November 2022 - Colorado, North America, United States |
US - Colorado: Proposition 122, a ballot measure to decriminalise the possession and use and allow for regulated distribution of certain psychedelic substances, appears poised
10th November 2022 - Kansas, North America, United States |
US - Kansas: A lawsuit challenging the seizure of over $100,000 in delta-8 THC products by state authorities has been dismissed. The suit alleged that the state
US - South Dakota: Voters rejected a ballot initiative to decriminalise recreational cannabis, press reports. The result comes as something of a surprise since a
US - North Dakota: Voters rejected a ballot initiative to legalise recreational cannabis, press reports. The initiative would have allowed adults to purchase and possess up to 1
US - Missouri: Voters passed a ballot initiative to legalise recreational cannabis, amending the state constitution, press reports. The initiative also makes several amendments to the
US - Arkansas: Voters rejected a ballot initiative to legalise recreational cannabis, press reports. The initiative would have amended the state constitution to legalise recreational cannabis and allowed
9th November 2022 - Chile, South America |
Chile: The Senate decided yesterday to drop provisions allowing cultivation of cannabis for medicinal purposes, possession and cultivation of up to 500 g of cannabis and personal
Mexico: Alejandro Armenta, president of the Board of Directors of the Senate, has announced that senators intend to separate legislation to regulate industrial hemp
8th November 2022 - North America, United States |
US - federal: Voters in the US will today determine in the midterm elections who controls Congress for the next two years. Currently, the
7th November 2022 - North America, United States |
US - Federal: A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit filed by Florida agricultural commissioner Nikki Fried that argued that the federal prohibition on buying or
7th November 2022 - Central America, Costa Rica |
Costa Rica: On 4th November the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock approved the first licence to cultivate and process hemp for food and
7th November 2022 - Argentina, South America |
Argentina: On 4th November the minister of health, Carla Vizzotti, encouraged doctors to prescribe medicinal cannabis to patients, press reports. The minister also
4th November 2022 - Canada, North America |
Canada: Ottawa Public Health (OPH) plans to make several recommendations to Health Canada as part of the Cannabis Act Review that was launched in September, press reports.
4th November 2022 - North America, United States, Utah |
US - Utah: The Utah Department of Agriculture and Food (UDAF) issued a statement about synthetic and derivative cannabinoids, such as delta-8 THC and THC-O,
US - New York: Local officials in Rotterdam want to introduce legislation to regulate where and when cannabis-related businesses can operate within the
31st October 2022 - Brazil, South America |
Brazil: The candidate from the left-wing Workers' Party (PT), Luis Inácio Lula da Silva, won the presidential elections with 50.9% of the votes.
US - New Jersey: The Assembly has passed Assembly Bill A3946, which now moves to the Senate. The bill would allow cannabis businesses to deduct
US - Delaware: Governor John Carney vetoed House Bill (HB) 276, which would have allowed medical cannabis patients to possess firearms. Federal law prohibits unlawful users
US - New Jersey: The New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission has approved its first annual recreational cannabis business licences. In total, 18 licences were approved, of
25th October 2022 - Brazil, South America |
Brazil: The Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) has suspended a resolution restricting medical prescription of CBD after the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office announced an investigation into its legality. The