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US - Ohio: State lawmakers failed to act on a proposal to legalise recreational cannabis before a statutory deadline, requiring advocates to resume signature-gathering.
US - HawaiiHouse Bill 1082, on medical cannabis regulation, has been passed by the State Legislature and now heads to the governor’s desk. It would
3rd May 2023 - Europe, Germany |
Germany: The Ministry of Health has published a technical report on the effects of the legalisation of recreational cannabis in Canada, the US and Uruguay, evaluating
US - Oklahoma: House Bill 2095 has been signed into law by governor Kevin Stitt, making changes to medical cannabis licensing, the enforcement of regulations,
US - TexasHouse Bill 2818 has passed the House and now heads to the Senate. It would generally revise hemp production provisions by updating
US - FloridaSenate Bill 1676 has been passed by the House and now heads to the governor’s desk. Among other things, it would prohibit
2nd May 2023 - Europe, Luxembourg |
Luxembourg: The Health and Justice ministries have published a proposal for the introduction of a recreational cannabis pilot programme. However, ministers have said the bill
US - ColoradoHouse Bill 23-1279 has passed the Senate and now heads to the governor’s desk. It would allow licensed cannabis retailers to accept
US - FloridaSenate Bill 1676 has been passed by the Senate and now heads to the House. Among other things, it would prohibit
US - FloridaHouse Bill 1387 has been passed by the House and now heads to the Senate. It would impose stronger child protection
2nd May 2023 - Europe, Germany |
Germany: Health minister Karl Lauterbach has sent a first draft of a bill to legalise recreational cannabis to other ministries for pre-publication review, press reports.
2nd May 2023 - Denmark, Europe |
Denmark: The Ministry of Health is planning to ban hexahydrocannabinol (HHC), press reports. Health minister Sofie Løhde told a news channel: “When new substances appear on the
US - FloridaHouse Bill (HB) 387 has been passed by the House and now heads to the Senate. HB 387 would require a physical
28th April 2023 - Europe, France |
France: Deputy Victor Habert-Dassault, from the Republicans, presented a parliamentary question to the minister of health asking whether the government is considering banning
US – Tennessee: Senate Bill 378 has been passed by the House and now heads to the governor’s desk. It would strengthen regulation on the
US - Texas: House Bill 218 has been passed by the House and now heads to the Senate. It would reduce criminal penalties for the
US - Georgia: Medical cannabis patients who have been registered since 2015 will soon be able to receive low-THC medical cannabis oil, since
US - Oklahoma: Senate Bill 813 has passed the House and now heads to the governor’s desk. It would allow the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority
27th April 2023 - Europe, Italy |
Italy: The Military Pharmaceutical Chemical Institute has temporarily suspended production of medical cannabis due to the poor state of the facilities and the lack
27th April 2023 - Africa, Morocco |
Morocco: The Customs and Excise Administration has issued a circular on the import and export of cannabis seeds. Imported seeds must be labelled
27th April 2023 - Europe, Greece |
Greece: The government has issued a Ministerial Decision updating the requirements to apply for marketing authorisation for finished cannabis-containing medicinal products.
26th April 2023 - Europe, United Kingdom |
UK: CBD company Legacy 369 must stop using ads with medicinal claims for unlicensed CBD products, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) ruled today. An
US - Minnesota: House File 100 has been passed by the House and now heads to the Senate. It would make it legal for
US - Oklahoma: House Bill 2095 has been passed by the Senate and now heads to the governor’s desk. It would impose changes to medical
26th April 2023 - Czech Republic, Europe |
Czech Republic: The Ministry of Agriculture has confirmed to CannIntelligence that a forthcoming ban on the sale of CBD and other cannabinoids will apply
26th April 2023 - Belgium, Europe |
Belgium: The Federal Public Service for Health, Food Chain Safety and the Environment has updated its positive list of notified herbal products for smoking, which includes
26th April 2023 - Chile, South America |
Chile: The Constitutional Court has rejected a challenge put forward by the opposition coalition to a bill that will allow home growing of cannabis for medicinal purposes under prescription. The
26th April 2023 - Europe, Lithuania |
Lithuania: The Seimas (parliament) is to reconsider decriminalising possession of small quantities of cannabis. Members yesterday accepted the Ethics and Procedures Committee’s view
25th April 2023 - Europe, United Kingdom |
UK: During a parliamentary debate on medical cannabis, Will Quince, minister for health and secondary care, said he understood the government intended to respond to the
US – North Dakota: Senate Bill 2096 has been signed into law by governor Doug Burgum. It revises the definition of hemp products to
25th April 2023 - Europe, Lithuania |
Lithuania: A bid to decriminalise possession of small quantities of cannabis was removed from the parliamentary agenda today, with procedural issues to be
25th April 2023 - Europe, Germany |
Germany: The Ministry of Health has notified through the European Commission’s TRIS database a bill to add the synthetic cannabinoid ADB-BUTINACA to the New Psychoactive Substances
US - Delaware: Democratic governor John Carney has a stated that he will allow House Bill (HB) 1 and HB 2, collectively known
24th April 2023 - Bulgaria, Europe |
Bulgaria: The Ministry of Interior has released the results of a police operation that seized 5,670 products containing hexahydrocannabinol (HHC) "with extremely vague documentation".
US - WashingtonSenate Bill (SB) 5367 has been passed by the House and now heads to the governor's desk. The bill would amend definitions of
US - MontanaSenate Bill (SB) 67 has been signed by governor Greg Gianforte and enacted into law. The bill lists several THC isomers, including
21st April 2023 - Europe, Portugal |
Portugal: The Liberal Initiative party, an opposition party with eight seats in Parliament, has introduced a bill to legalise recreational cannabis. The bill
21st April 2023 - Europe, Finland |
Finland: The citizens’ initiative “Cannabis to be legal, regulated and taxed”, published in October 2022, has achieved the necessary 50,000 declarations of support.
20th April 2023 - Europe, United Kingdom |
UK: Conservative MP David Mundell told the Scottish Herald newspaper that the cannabis industry has huge economic potential but faces a lot of regulatory
20th April 2023 - North America, United States |
US - federal: Democrat senator Brian Schatz of Hawaii and Congressional Cannabis Caucus co-chairs representatives Barbara Lee (Democrat) and David Joyce (Republican) have reintroduced the Veterans Medical
20th April 2023 - Australasia, New Zealand |
New Zealand: Medleaf High THC GG#4, a dried cannabis flower used to make tea, has been verified by the Medicinal Cannabis Agency as meeting
20th April 2023 - Argentina, South America |
Argentina: The Ministry of Health issued a resolution yesterday extending from one year to three the validity of home growers’, patients’ and prescribing doctors’